Monday, October 20, 2008

Bend it like Babar

When Colin was bedridden on his 36 hour hiatus from "the living", Mary and I took a jaunt to the local elephant park to consume elephants in humanitarian research, entertainment, commerce, transport, scent and bodily fluid (not planned).

Due diligence findings are as follows:

Humanitarian Research: All zoos and fee admission animal parks are depressing. This was no different.

Sadness over animal living conditions can be temporarily suspended due to absolutely spectacular animal shows. The video below is pretty awesome.

Other tricks included lots of hat stealing, rolling over like a dog, relay races and an elephant competing against a 16 year old boy in darts, and hitting its first 4, while the boy traumatizingly missed his first 6. If that guy goes postal anytime in the next 50 years, I'm convinced it'll be the elephant's fault. (Elephant stole his hat too).

Elephant Commerce (E-Commerce):
The second best purchase by your blog contributors since trip conception is an elephant painting. (#1- obviously shants).

The far right contributing artist is in the special needs program.

E-Transport: More uncomfortable than a Cutco knife salesman knocking on Owen Wilson's door.

E-Scent: Poo cutlet and used band aids.

Bodily Fluid:
Not great. Mary and I took a pretty jerky and uncomfortable elephant ride (as alluded to), and halfway through, the guide stopped to take some pictures. Just as he was about to snap the first picture, the elephant lifted his trunk up over his head and snot rocketed whatever occupies his snout directly in my face and on my shirt (Mary was luckily outside emitting trajectory). The following pic gives a decent indication of the aftermath.

A Snout (not during expulsion episode).

The male elephants' credo: Live hard, Walk hard, Hope no one sees us hard.
The male elephants' pet peeve: Thong-like apparati.

Other news:

Went to a shooting range while Colin took an elephant ride in Phuket (I could have gone with him, but was fearful of the E-boner). To shoot a handgun in the U.S. you have to take at least an hour long training session. In Phuket, Thailand: I walked in, shot 10 bullets and was out in 3 minutes.

We had a hard time convincing the waitress of our discount qualifications.


Anonymous said...

damn you, I wanna go back, next year, next year...
Did you go as a ladyboy or a rabbit to Matts Joint?:D

partaker said...

Fine post, Start. Speaking of hard, you look pretty hard while squeezing off a couple rounds.

Does this mean that you don't want to go shooting once you get back? Or, has this only whetted your appetite? We've only been talking about it for about eight months. I guess we could go shoot guns and then play our non-existent poker game. Holler.

You and Marjo look great on an elephant.

Stu said...

Partaker, you are a fine comment leaver.
two things:
- definitely still going to talk about going to the SF gun range. perhaps we'll even do it.
-I had to put on my hard look for that shot. the other pics are all cross-eyed shots with my hands making glasses on my eyes..