Monday, October 13, 2008

1 Kume, 2 Kups

Bullet Points:

- พี่ ผมชอบเพลงถ้าพรุ่งนี้ฉัน..... The Thai language is officially impossible. The only word Colin and I know how to say is Kup Kume Kup, which means thank you. We think.

- Bangkok wrap up: As intrepid travelers, Colin, our friend Tim, and I decided to visit ground zero of the political riots (The capital building) to view some riot police and breathe in some tear gas. However, 3 blocks from the capital building, we passed a Maui Thai Fighting arena, and since Colin and I had to settle our public opinion poll, we gave up on the coup viewing and went inside to watch skinny 18 year olds kick one another in the face really hard.

-Colin enjoying the fight, and likely visualizing our Maui Tahi bout (Jetlag really works!)

-A sad state of affairs is the fact that locals walk their Elephants through busy streets of Bangkok asking people for money to feed their Elephant, and probably themselves. It's quite cruel.

-In other news: As I'm sitting at the computer terminal typing (staring straight at the monitor), there is a crazy black toothed Australian man standing one foot to my right telling me (in a whisper) how he blew up a call center building last night by sending a text from a phone that he found on the street (which had the phone numbers of VERY important public figures.. So important in fact, that he can't tell me who). He's wearing a cowboy hat, a teal shirt and the phone was was a nokia. He's convinced that it's a conspiracy and that they're listening. Maybe that's why he's whispering..

- I really wish I was kidding.

-He is making me quite uneasy.

-I need to leave.

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