Thursday, October 9, 2008

Preparatory Level: Mustard Brown

With less than two days before trip commencement, we'd like to provide a report on our physical and mental well being:

Our hero, C$, has exhausted his home of all Kleenex-type products. This isn't because he's creating a mummy costume for Halloween*, but rather because he's fending off cold-like symptoms. When asked how he was feeling while home from work on Wednesday, Colin added; "Not feeling great, but I'll be alright. The best part is all the construction they're doing outside my window".

There is further evidence that Colin's wisdom teeth are coming in and they're hurting somewhat, which is primarily supported by the fact that he can feel his wisdom teeth coming in and they, in his words, "don't feel great".

As for your other corresp., he's battling an unexpected 0.025 ounce foe. Stu moved into 561 Waller St. approximately one month ago, and the former resident of his room (for sake of keeping her identity confidential, we'll call her Allie Powéll) had one parting wish: "Don't let the long potted vine in my room die.. Seriously, I'll be really pissed".

(switching from third person) Who am I to play plant god and choose which one lives and dies?? So water it, I have. What I couldn't anticipate was the variety and quantity of insects living in the potted vine. I've experienced moths, mosquitoes, no see-ems & what sounded like a hummingbird.

I typically wake up with 2-3 fresh bug bites in the morning. Or I stay awake (obviously eyes wide open huddled in the corner of my bed with the sheets tucked up to my neck) listening for a buzz and then slapping my face/ear/head. A subordinate drawback is that I'm sitting at my desk right now thinking I'm getting bit by bugs. Don't tell Ms. Powéll, but her plant is being demoted to the storage room.

Other than that, our physical and mental states are great and we're at "excited to not work for two weeks level: Orange".





allie said...

First of all, the vine has a name and it's Becca. Secondly, she sure as hell didn't have any bugs when I left so which on of you gave her the fleas? You don't have to be a rocket scientists or a horticulturist to figure out COlin gave her an STD.

Colin, how could you?? After all of our talks about using protection? And Stu, how could you leave them two of them alone with wine coolers and fresh mulch? I trusted you.

I am disappointed in you both.

RIP Becca...

Mary said...

at least it sounds like you're well-prepared for the insect intensity that is Thailand.