Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's a short, it's a pant, it's Shants!

If you look closer, our esteemed hero, Colin wore a lengthy pair of fluorescent white shorts on the Gibbon Experience. The shorts were reportedly an under-understood online purchase of what appeared to be shorts, but upon further investigation, may not be. They are touted as the "Kobe Bryant Basketball" shorts, a fact that has had <0 impact on the foreigners we've talked about the shorts with. As mentioned, these 21st century jams were the pinnacle of white before the gibbon trip. However, if you've ever been outside, you're keenly aware of the resource, dirt. Shant brightness time line:

The Gibbons even made Colin bleed his own blood.

We didn't see any gibbons in the end, so we drank.

On the bus after GibbonX, Colin contemplates Plessy vs. Ferguson verdict.

I've probably been hogging the blog airtime of late, however, Colin is feeling a touch under the weather, and as they say in the industry, "two dudes doing things" doesn't sleep. We've been covering lots of ground in the last few days, traversing from Laos to Chiang Mai, Thailand where we're staying with a friend, Mary, who recently moved here to start up an Ice Cream store.

I encourage you to let that marinate for a moment.. And then go to your copy room, load letter paper and put a three hole punch through your Achilles. Mary, fresh out of law school, has quite possibly the most amazing gig I can think of. She is working for a European NGO who hired her to start up a Gelato-style Ice Cream store, and so she is in the process of ex-Pat networking, looking for a Thai business partner, a store location (likely in the New Mandrian Hotel) and once those are in place, building a viable retail operation with suppliers, employees and customers who want to drop it like it's Baht. It has been exceedingly nice staying at her house, and so, Mary, if you read this; Thank you, and we're sorry for hogging your computer.

We're only in Chiang Mai until Monday, but in two days we've managed to paint the town beige. Tigers, Elephants, a rented mini-vanish Toyota and a meet-up featuring too much Sangsom whiskey. More on that if interested:

All Colin ate at breakfast this morning.


partaker said...

I'm so glad that Colin found a use for those shants. I was hoping to see him cruising around the Lower Haight in those things coupled with high-tops, but sadly now that prospect is small.

I have to say that I am very pleased with the frequency of your posts. Bravo, good sirs!

Shit + fart = shart

Mary said...

I keep calling them sharts instead of shants as well...between that and the fact that all I see when I close my eyes is ELEPHANT PENIS, this has been quite an experience. You guys just left 15 minutes ago and I miss you are both fine sirs, and it was simply splendid having a little taste of home here in Chiang Mai. I wanted to say that, and that yes, my life pretty much kicks more ass than I ever imagined possible. Suckers!!!

In all seriousness, Colin, I hope you feel better and you must know I've always had a soft bean bag in my heart for you, and Stu, you are a reservoir of spirit and I give you two very big thumbs up, bigger even than the asian thumbs up, more like a real pat-on-the-back thumbs up accompanied wtih grin.

Have a bloast in POO-Khet!
