Friday, October 10, 2008

Pre-Trip Jitters

Our bags are packed, the arrangements have been made, and the econo-packs of underpants have been purchased. It looks like we're about ready to shove off into the great unknown that is Thailand.

I have some different feelings going into this trip. Mostly, I'm incredibly psyched to be getting away for two weeks and exploring a new part of the world. I was in Walgreen's today buying bug repellent, and looked at the guy next to me and snidely thought "I bet he's not buying bug repellent for the jungles of Laos" (Note: I'll feel like SUCH a jerk if I see that guy in the jungles of Laos).

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous...I've been lucky enough to do a decent amount of traveling in my day, but I've always pretty much gone to places where the people look more or less like me (except for the Greeks...I don't look anything like the Greeks). There's also been some political turmoil in Bangkok these days, so we packed our riot gear. Sure they'll charge us $25 to check the extra bag, but I've learned from experience that you shouldn't join a Thai protest without your gas mask. Despite the vast cultural differences and impending violent coup, I hear that the Thai love karaoke, so I think we'll get along just fine.

Stu and I had our art department put together a lifelike mock-up photo of what we think our trip will realistically look like. It's important to note that our art department really sucks.

Next stop: Bangkok

Here's hoping we're not sitting near any babies on the 14 hour flight!

1 comment:

Starving With a Side of Sass said...

Safe travels! I think you're going to love Asia! Can't wait to follow your trip.